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Berio Sequenza Flute Universal Edition Webern

Author: admin22/01

Sinfonia (Symphony) is a by the Italian composer which was commissioned by the for its 125th anniversary. Composed in 1968–69 for and eight, it is a musically innovative post-serial classical work, with multiple vocalists commenting about musical (and other) topics as the piece twists and turns through a seemingly neurotic journey of and dissonant passages. The eight voices are not used in a traditional classical way; they frequently do not sing at all, but speak, whisper and shout words by, whose provides much of the text, excerpts from 's novel, instructions from the scores of and other writings. States in the text version of his from 1973 that Sinfonia was representative of the new direction classical music was taking after the pessimistic decade of the sixties (, p. 423).

Recommended Citation. Vecchione, Carrie Marie, 'Sequenza VII' by Luciano Berio: Background, Analysis and Performance Suggestions. And upon realizing its similarities with the Sequenza for flute decided to call it. 4Luciano Berio, Sequenza VII (London: Universal Edition, 1971). Reproduced with. Berio composed the first of his Sequenze in 1958, for flute; it was published by Edizioni Suvini Zerboni. Download Timeline Template Omni Graffle For Mac. Having set himself the task of writing multi-voiced music for the solo instrument, the composer formulated his plan thus in the introduction to the piece: “Writing for a single-voice instrument today means that the composer.

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